L'Eco di Bergamo
↳ EUROPA, GAMeC Bergamo, Italy

L'Eco di Bergamo, 2012

L'Eco di Bergamo
Writer: Marina Marzulli
Medium: Daily Newspaper
Country: Italy
Date: June 16, 2012
Article (spread) about the solo exhibition EUROPA at the GAMeC Bergamo, Italy.
L'Eco di Bergamo is the largest newspaper in the province of Bergamo, founded in 1880. Its property is mainly controlled by the Curia of Bergamo and the newspaper has always taken a middle Catholic course (close to L'Osservatore Romano).
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In the courtyard and glass pavilion of the GAMeC but also in several locations in the city of Bergamo, Remco Torenbosch presents a critical variety of situations and thoughts. The works that are presented are a reflection on the political and socio-economic changes to which Europe has recently been subjected. In this, Torenbosch investigates the language and manifestations through which a community and continent declares, represents and questions itself through the consciousness of contemporary and historical references. Within this research, Torenbosch tries to distil the situation as a return to a more human scale and perspective by underlining
the importance of care and action.

De Witte Raaf
↳ Autumn of Modernism, De Vleeshal Middelburg

De Witte Raaf, 2012

De Witte Raaf
Writer: Leen Bedaux
Medium: Art Magazine
Country: Belgium
Date: Nr. 156, March - April, 2012
Article (spread) about the exhibition Autumn of Modernism at De Vleeshal, Middelburg.
De Witte Raaf wants the conversation and reflection on art in the Netherlands and Flanders upholstering. The magazine chooses a problem-oriented and critical approach that is not known in advance to the codes of a particular scientific specialty, or a recognizable standard approach. The magazine wants to make room for all possible approaches to visual art. It aims above all the public debate about the arts revitalize.
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De Witte Raaf has two sections that complement each other. The editorial policy of the first section aims to stimulate criticism and essays in the field of visual arts. De Witte Raaf works with themes that are often closely linked to current developments. The editorial policy of the second section would particularly the fullest possible range of information to offer, and this in an orderly way. The information in the second section is organized according to fixed categories such as news, visual arts, architecture, museum acquisitions and publications. There is also an international exhibition calendar.
↳ Autumn of Modernism, De Vleeshal Middelburg

PZC, 2012

Writer: Nico Out
Medium: Daily Newspaper
Country: The Netherlands
Date: January, 2012
Article (spread) about the exhibition Autumn of Modernism at De Vleeshal, Middelburg.
The Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant (PZC) is a Dutch regional newspaper that, in addition to the national and international news, strongly oriented to current events in the Dutch province of Zeeland.
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The paper is the result of the merger Breskensche Courant (1890), Goes Courant (1813), Middelburg Courant (1758), Vlissingsche Courant (1872), Free Voices (1945) and the Serbian Zierikzee Nieuwsbode (1844). The age of the oldest predecessor of the PZC, the Middelburg Courant of 1758, above in mind, the following Leeuwarder Courant (1752) and the Haarlem Dagblad (1656) to the oldest newspaper in the Netherlands. In 2008 the newspaper its 250th anniversary.

↳ Autumn of Modernism, De Vleeshal Middelburg

Hart, 2012

Writer: Machteld Leij
Medium: Art Magazine
Country: Belgium
Date: February, 2012
Article about the exhibition Autumn of Modernism at De Vleeshal, Middelburg.
Hart is a magazine for contemporary art. The first issue of Hart appeared on January 26, 2006, in response to the impoverishment of the cultural coverage in the mainstream media. Hart grew -in no time- into an almost natural part of the Belgian art scene and begins increasingly to establish itself as an art newspaper for the UK (and vicinity). The editorial work from the heart of Europe, sensitive to international trends and events, but with a continued engagement in an equally contentious as generous artistic Belgium.
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Hart news would bring in a three weekly publication and goes further than mere reporting. Therefore, using the traditional tools of cultural journalist and art critic: the review, the report, the interview, the opinion piece, the column, ... In other words exhibitions are discussed instead of graded; artists are partners instead of divas , a work of art has a content rather than solely a cost. Each issue also contains the section of Hart International. Hart International has selected essays on contemporary art from around the world. The essays are, by local people and / or people who may know, international trends interpreted, private art scenes illuminated or remarkable exhibitions framed. The Hart International texts are usually written in English or French. The language policy in Hart is also determined by the reality of an art scene in a multilingual country. Most articles are in Dutch, but there are systematic contributions in other languages.
↳ Autumn of Modernism, De Vleeshal Middelburg

Kunstbeeld, 2012

Writer: Esther Darley
Medium: Art Magazine
Country: The Netherlands
Date: Nr. 3, 2012
Article about the exhibition Autumn of Modernism at De Vleeshal, Middelburg.
Kunstbeeld informs about developments in the Dutch and abroad fields of contemporary and modern art. The magazine is published ten times a year and features interviews with leading and innovative artists, background stories, opinionated contributions and reviews of national and international exhibitions.
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The first edition of Kunstbeeld appeared in October 1976.
NRC Handelsblad
↳ Autumn of Modernism, De Vleeshal Middelburg

NRC Handelsblad, 2012

NRC Handelsblad
Writer: Sandra Smets
Medium: Daily Newspaper
Country: The Netherlands
Date: January, 2012
Article (spread) about the exhibition Autumn of Modernism at De Vleeshal, Middelburg.
The NRC Handelsblad, often abbreviated to NRC, is a daily evening newspaper published in the Netherlands by NRC Media. The newspaper was launched on 1 October 1970, from merger of the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant (New Rotterdam Paper) and Algemeen Handelsblad (General Commerce Paper).
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NRC Handelsblad started on 1 October 1970, after a merger of the Amsterdam newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad (founded 1828 by J.W. van den Biesen) and the Rotterdam Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant (founded 1844 by Henricus Nijgh). The paper's motto is Lux et Libertas – Light (referring to the Age of Enlightenment) and Freedom.
Metropolis M
↳ Remco Torenbosch

Metropolis M, 2011

Metropolis M
Writer: Nils van Beek
Medium: Art Magazine
Country: The Netherlands
Date: NR. 3, June - Juli, 2011
Article (six pages, including Joe Scanlan and Zachery Formwalt) about economics within contemporary art.
Metropolis M is a bimonthly magazine on contemporary art. The new metropolism.com website complements the magazine with reviews, columns and information on the international art world. metropolism.com includes a complete archive of articles and reviews previously published in the magazine.
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Metropolis M was founded in 1979.
Metropolis M
↳ The Spur of the Moment, Nest The Hague

Metropolis M, 2011

Metropolis M
Writer: Sanneke Huisman
Medium: Art Magazine
Country: The Netherlands
Date: NR. 3, June - Juli, 2011
Article about the exhibition The Spur of the Moment at Nest, The Hague.
Metropolis M is a bimonthly magazine on contemporary art. The new metropolism.com website complements the magazine with reviews, columns and information on the international art world. metropolism.com includes a complete archive of articles and reviews previously published in the magazine.
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Metropolis M was founded in 1979.

↳ Fault, Kabinetten van de Vleeshal, Middelburg

PZC, 2010

Writer: Nico Out
Medium: Daily Newspaper
Country: The Netherlands
Date: 2010
Article (spread) also about the solo exhibition Fault at De Kabinetten van de Vleeshal, Middelburg.
The Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant (PZC) is a Dutch regional newspaper that, in addition to the national and international news, strongly oriented to current events in the Dutch province of Zeeland.
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The paper is the result of the merger Breskensche Courant (1890), Goes Courant (1813), Middelburg Courant (1758), Vlissingsche Courant (1872), Free Voices (1945) and the Serbian Zierikzee Nieuwsbode (1844). The age of the oldest predecessor of the PZC, the Middelburg Courant of 1758, above in mind, the following Leeuwarder Courant (1752) and the Haarlem Dagblad (1656) to the oldest newspaper in the Netherlands. In 2008 the newspaper its 250th anniversary.
